Sunday, January 13, 2008

Houston Scottish Rite Temple - RIP

Received this message from the Grand Lodge of Texas Internet Committee:

The Grand Lodge Trustees agreed that this Masonic Auction should be communicated to Texas Masons and Texas Lodges.

The Houston Scottish Rite Temple is being demolished, and Masonic artifacts and building furnishings are being auctioned to the highest bidder. This includes ceiling tile, wall paneling, lights, fixtures, bathroom fixtures, Exit signs, display cases, etc.

Bentley & Associates, an Amarillo Auction Firm with Masonic background, will conduct the auction on Saturday, January 26, 10:00 a.m., 7575 Brompton Street, Houston, TX.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Tom Guest, Grand Secretary

Sad to see another Temple fall....


ChuckEye said...

Indeed. It will rise again, though. There was a decent buyout of their lease from the Shrine, so now it's a matter of deciding if the Scottish Rite wants to use the land they own on the southwest side of town to build something new, or find something else more centrally located. I look forward to its return.

FD2L said...


I hope it does return, and not as a metal building either.

Bro Vick

Anonymous said...

It's not gone forever. It wasn't even their choice. Houston Scottish Rite used to be in a building in downtown Houston. Decades ago, they sold that building and worked out of temporary quarters until they signed a ground lease with Arabia Shrine and built onto their building early 1980's. That worked for everyone until a developer wanted the lot. Shrine decided to sell. The only problem was the building and long-term ground lease to Houston Scottish Rite. It took a little while to settle on a buyout amount for the building and remaining lease, but settle they eventually did. The building is being razed for new condos. For Houston AASR and Arabia Shrine, there will be some office and storage space rented for a while, and meetings and reunions will be held at Holland Lodge #1 on Montrose in Houston. Eventually, there will be a new "permanent" home, this time perhaps on their own. We'll see about the Double Eagle ranch as a possible new home. I'm told it is a little prone to flooding, and nearby water and sewer mains are insufficient size. I'm personally hoping for a more central location, since I drive in from Bryan/College Station.