I am currently in the process of learning the Masters lecture and I have to say that it’s the most challenging, but at the same time one of the better ones to learn, as you are telling a story, not just explaining symbolism. The FC is similar, but the Masters is better because it’s the Masters. I think every Freemason reading this should take the time in your Masonic journey to learn the lecture of the three blue degrees. It makes you sit and think a lot harder about the symbolism and what the degree itself means to you. Honestly it takes a lot of work and a good investment of time, but I think you will see that what you learn about yourself and what Esoteric Freemasonry means to you, and if it is something you are interested in. I guess some see me as putting the kart before the horse as I am not learning any roles (even though I have learned the MC/SD role for all three degrees). The roles are cake before learning a 30 minute lecture by memory.
Looks like I will have an opportunity to give this lecture soon as a candidate just passed his proficiency; he did the tactic of talking as fast as possible over his mistakes. It’s not a bad try, unlike myself which actually talks slower when I am presenting myself, which caused me to stutter when I got stuck. ;)
I will be in Washington D.C. and the Norfolk area next week if any brother wants to meet up for coffee or dinner. I will be somewhat busy but would be honored if someone wanted to grab a cup of Joe. I am planning on attending Naval Lodge #4, but don’t know if I will be up to going through the tuck and role of dues card and full examination. Sometimes I don’t mind, but if I had to do it right now I most likely would pass. I know that it is necessary to pass on and prove I am a Mason, but sometimes I just want to be greeted and taken by the hand, and not shuffled off to a little room on the side and get examined by one of the Past Masters who gets over excited at examining a young pup like myself.
Maybe I will be up to it in a week, excited for the fellowship with brothers from another area.